Goals / Pitches On Matchdays reminder again

3 Sep 2017 by Sean Allan

All the Mini-Soccer Socketed Goals are found in the fence compound with the main compound next to the railed pitch.

Grey net boxes are used for socket goals found at the main entrance and teams playing first are responsible for putting goals up

The Mini Soccer Portable Goals with back bars are found in the compound also.

The blue net boxes are found at the main entrance and contain two nets for both goals ie one per pitch

When it says take down your goals and respect barrier (1st named team takes in respect barrier) you MUST return the equipment back to the compound for SOCKETED mini soccer goals and the goals should be stored back correctly with the Stantions on the ground and the net bags WITH THE PEGS in and respect barriers should be left outside the main entrance of the clubhouse.

PORTABLE Mini Soccer Goals are returned to the Compound along with both nets , anchors in the blue boxes.

Finally, teams should always check the notice board as the pitch that games are to be played on can change at short notice.

Please ensure the above is communicated to all your parents, as this will save you a fine.

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